Daniel Lim
The Youth Development Centre, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) organised a Canapé and Praline course at the Belait Youth Centre as part of the Community Programme @ Kuala Belait, yesterday.
Twenty-two youth participated in the course. At the canapé course, they learnt how to make egg crackers canapé with mashed potato, chicken Vol-au-vent canapé, and canapé with egg and shrimp. Meanwhile at the praline course, participants learnt how to make white hazelnut chocolate, almond rocher and dates chocolate.
Instructor Nur’Aeidah binti Haji Kamis said the courses were beneficial as the participants learnt new skills. “We encourage youth to be more proactive in learning new skills. Courses such as this provide an avenue to connect the youth with mentors and teachers willing to share their knowledge and creativity.”
The participants received certificates at the end of the programme.
The course is part of a focussed initiative to re-skill youth.
The programme also sought to provide avenues for youth to make use of the knowledge and skills learnt at the courses by pursuing business ventures.
The Youth Development Centre is also looking forward to conducting similar courses in the Tutong and Temburong districts.