Izah Azahari
The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (JPES), Ministry of Finance and Economy will conduct the Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2020 (Second Stage) from October 19 to November 15.
JPES Director General Hajah Mariah binti Haji Yahya was the guest of honour at the oath-reading ceremony for the 74 appointed LFS 2020 officers at the Isyraq Hall of the Civil Service Institute (IPA) yesterday.
The main objective of LFS 2020 is to collect the latest information on the size, structure, distribution and characteristics of the labour force, employment, unemployment and other economic characteristics of the population, which will be used to assist in the planning, research, policy-making and management concerning the labour force.
LFS 2020 will involve about 3,200 households throughout the country. The interview will be conducted by the Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) approach, whereby the temporary survey field workers will use tables instead of printed questionnaires during the face-to-face interview of selected households.
This approach has been implemented since LFS 2018, and has helped to reduce the cost and time taken for the survey operations, as well as in facilitating data processing and improving data quality in general.

The LFS is conducted under the Statistics Act, Chapter 81, from the Laws of Brunei Darussalam.
JPES assured that the information collected from selected households during the survey will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for statistical purposes. JPES has appointed survey officers as supervisors and interviewers to undertake the fieldwork for the survey.
Selected households are reminded to ensure that the interviewers visiting their premises are those appointed by JPES. They can be identified through their survey passes, appointment letters, identity cards and JPES vest.
Results from the LFS 2020 may also be used by the private sector, academia, researchers, students and the public for their respective needs and purposes.
For information, call JPES at 2230265 during working hours, e-mail info.statistics@jpes.gov.bn, or visit the website.