Izah Azahari & Daniel Lim
The Brunei Darussalam Scout Association (PPNBD), through its Amateur Radio Club and strategic partner, Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association (BDARA), participated in the biggest 63rd Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) and the 24th Jamboree-On-The-Internet (JOTI), on October 17-18, along with millions of scouts worldwide.
The JOTA-JOTI 2020 activity was officiated on October 17 by PPNBD President Haji Metusin bin Orang Kaya Sura Haji Tuba, who also officially launched the JOTA-JOTI 2020 at the Brunei
Darussalam level.
PPNBD Chief Commissioner Haji Awang Badar bin Haji Awang Ali and BDARA President Major (Rtd) Haji Tamat bin Haji Lampoh, together with scout commissioners, BDARA members, scout Leaders and scout members were also present.
PPNBD President communicated through a video conference via Skype, with Malaysian Chief Commissioner of Scouts Major General (Rtd) Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Zin bin Bidin.
JOTA and JOTI activities are conducted annually, on every third week in October. The Jamboree uniqueness is that every participating scout member is able to connect with other scout members around the world by using high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VHF) amateur radio equipment, as well as through online chats specifically for that activity.

PPNBD opened two amateur radio stations – the Conference Room at the PPNBD Headquarters and the Scout Training and Activity Centre in Jalan Gadong – through the use of the V84CBS call signal, with the participation of Brunei-Muara District Scout members.
In the Belait District, the two-day Jamboree was officially launched by Acting Scouts Commissioner of Belait District Scouts Association (PPDB) Mohamad Hatta bin Haji Suhaili, at the PPDB building along Jalan Maulana.
The event was attended by over 40 scout members spanning more than 20 scout groups and open troops from government and private schools in the district, spoke to their peers on amateur radio, as well as communicating locally through walkie-talkie, using codes and call-signs.
Through such activities, scout members learned to connect with their peers thousands of miles away and the impact of info-communication technologies in a world gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic.