Azlan Othman
The Land Transport Department (JPD) at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) and the Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB) Municipal Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) recently held the 17th joint operation dubbed Operasi Bersepadu Bersih, to remove abandoned vehicles from several locations.
The joint operation was held in areas under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Department, especially at Simpang 574, Kampong Madewa, Jalan Bunut; Batu Satu in Jalan Tutong; the Kiulap Commercial Area; Simpang 5 in Kampong Menglait Utara; and the commercial parking areas in Kampong Menglait.
Prior to that, 54 letters were issued to the owners, giving them 14 days to remove those vehicles.
After the deadline, it was found that 44 of the abandoned vehicles had been relocated. The remaining 10 vehicles were towed away by the enforcement agencies, and then transferred to a storage area for the next phase.
Meanwhile, JPD reminded vehicle owners not to leave their vehicles unattended for long periods in public places such as commercial areas, parking lots and road shoulders.

In failure to comply will result in action by the enforcement agencies in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOPs), which include issuing letters of notice to the owners to remove the vehicles within 14 days.
Abandoned vehicles which have not been removed within that period will be towed or relocated to a designated storage area. Those who wish to claim the towed vehicles must contact JPD for the claims process.
Any claims costs, including the towing fees, are the responsibility of the owner of the abandoned vehicle, and will have to be paid directly to the towing companies involved.
Abandoned vehicles that are not claimed within three months will be disposed of, and the vehicle registration record deleted from the Land Transport System’s (SPD) registration data.
For information, contact the JPD at 2451979/80/87 ext 111 during office hours, or email to, or call the Darussalam line at 123 or via the WhatsApp at 8333123.