James Kon
The Gerai Hujung Minggu Pasar Kitani programme at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium attracts crowds every Sunday.
The initiative, which began on August 9, is an alternative platform for local farmers and entrepreneurs to market their produce while boosting the agricultural sector.
Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Ali bin Apong was seen touring the Pasar Kitani stalls yesterday, amid the annual celebration of Farmers, Livestock Breeders and Fishermen’s Day, which falls on November 1.
Fifty-four stalls were set up, with a wide range of agrifood and fishery products on sale.
Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT) Hajah Tutiaty binti Haji Abdul Wahab, and Deputy Permanent Secretary at the MPRT Abdul Halidi bin Mohd Salleh were also present.
“The response for Pasar Kitani, so far, has been very encouraging. On some occasions, around 2,000 visitors were recorded. We hope that the public will continue to come and support the local products available at Pasar Kitani,” Acting Director of Agriculture and Agrifood Hajah Masliana Yuliah binti Abdullah told the Bulletin.
The weekly programme is organised by the MPRT, through the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood, in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.