Izah Azahari
The Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Rover Scout Crew 1102 organised the 3rd Rover Scout Leadership Camp at Eco Ponies Garden, Kampong Lamunin, Tutong District yesterday.
Some 31 Rover Scouts aged 18-26 and students from higher education institutions and colleges participated.
UNISSA Rover Scout Leader Trainer Zainudin bin Haji Ishak lead the leadership and skills training in the basic Rover Scouts camping skills.
UNISSA Rover Scout Coordinator Dr Muhammad Alif bin Haji Sismat, Leader of the UNISSA Rover Scout Crew 1102 and National Scout Training Commissioner Haji Othman bin Durani were also present.
The outdoor activity by the UNISSA Rover Scout Crew 1102 exposed new scout members to a real camping atmosphere and the leadership basics.
The camp’s sought to build participants’ self-confidence, cultivate an attitude of liking outdoor activities, independence and mature thinking.
Prior to the camp, the UNISSA Rover Scout members underwent weekly leadership and skills training for 12 weeks to obtain a World Scout membership badge.