Azlan Othman
A signing between the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Royal Brunei Technical Services Sdn Bhd (RBTS) was held at the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital on Monday for an outsourcing project of supply chain management for medicines and medical consumables.
The ceremony was witnessed by Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Isham bin Haji Jaafar, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah, and Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy (Fiscal) and Chairman of RBTS Board of Directors Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Ahmaddin bin Haji Abdul Rahman.
Deputy Permanent Secretary (Policy and Management) at the Ministry of Health Haji Maswadi bin Haji Mohsin signed on behalf of the MoH, witnessed by Director of Pharmaceutical Services Wong Wai See present as witness.
Signing on behalf of RBTS was Senior Chief Administrative Officer Hajah Rapiah binti Haji Mat Daud, witnessed by Senior Business Development Officer Mohd Ammar Norfakhri bin Kharin.
The MoH’s outsourcing project includes procurement services, management of the State Medical Store (SPN) and logistics services for the delivery of medicines and medical consumables from SPN to hospitals, clinics and health centres in stages.
The project is aimed at improving the quality and efficiency in supply chain management, and saving cost for the government in the long run. It will also provide employment opportunities in certain areas within the supply chain. The period for the implementation the contract is six years, from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2026.
Permanent Secretary at the MoH Haji Abdul Manap bin Othman; members of the RBTS Board of Directors; the Chief Executive Officer of RBTS; and the heads of departments, senior officers and officers from the MoH and RBTS were also present.