Fadley Faisal
A total of BND35,000 was handed over to 35 winners of the first monthly draw of the Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) Aspirasi 3 Rewards Campaign during a ceremony yesterday.
Head of Sales of BIBD Retail Banking Group Rohani binti Haji Salleh presented the cash prizes, with each winner bringing home BND1,000.
The BIBD Aspirasi 3 is a unique investment and savings programme allowing customers to earn dividends. It encourages customers to keep their funds for longer term savings.
Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) aims to nurture the discipline of saving among its customers by offering a rewards programme which presents an opportunity to win in monthly, quarterly and grand prize draws.
When BIBD Aspirasi was first introduced two years ago, it served to provide customers with a savings initiative platform to save easily and consistently, in support of the national vision of providing the society with a national savings plan.
In response to public feedback, the minimum deposit for Aspirasi 3 has now been lowered to BND50, while the maximum deposit increased to BND250,000.
Customers need to maintain a minimum holding period of 90 days, with a minimum holding deposit of BND50 for the entire duration of the programme to qualify for the reward draw.