James Kon
Radio Television Brunei’s (RTB) Perdana News began broadcasting yesterday, with a sign language interpreter, for the needs of people with different abilities (OKU).
The initiative is based on the whole-of-nation approach through collaboration and cooperation between the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), the Ministry of Education (MoE), particularly the Special Education Unit (SEU), the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS), RTB, and OKU associations.
The main objective of using sign language is to expand the broadcast inclusively to OKUs.
Through this, information on the efforts and development being made by the government can be obtained accurately and immediacy through Perdana News.
Sign language is a communication medium used universally, an approach employed by regional broadcast stations for news coverage. In Brunei Darussalam, the use of sign language is introduced through RTB’s Perdana News, because it is the most popular broadcast being viewed, according to the RTB Audience Survey.
Perdana News is the main channel that touches on governmental policies and efforts, current local affairs, as well as the latest information and updates.