James Kon
The Ministry of Education (MoE) hosted an awards ceremony at the Centrepoint Hotel in Gadong yesterday for 62 graduates who completed their overseas studies with First Class Honours.
Minister of Education Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman presented the outstanding graduate awards to the recipients.
Deputy Minister of Education Datin Seri Paduka Dr Hajah Romaizah binti Haji Mohd Salleh also attended the ceremony.
Head of Scholarship Section and Senior Special Duties Officer at the MoE Julaihi bin Mohamat said, “From the 62 graduates receiving the outstanding graduate awards, 40 completed their studies in 2019, while the remaining 22 graduates completed their studies in 2020.
“Twenty-two graduates are among those under the Government of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s Overseas Scholarship Scheme, one is under the Brunei Administrative System Scholarship Scheme of the Public Service Commission of His Majesty’s Government and 39 are under the Educational Loan Scheme.”
He disclosed that 52 of the award recipients graduated from universities in the United Kingdom (UK), five from Malaysia, two from Australia, two from the United States (US) and one from the Republic of Singapore.
“The COVID-19 pandemic, which occurred at the end of December 2019 until now, has directly impacted our daily routines and journeys, including our students’ study processes.
“Students, including our graduates, had to adapt themselves to the new norm, including online learning. Alhamdulillah, with patience and resilience, the students successfully weathered the epidemic during their studies and maintained excellent academic performance for their parents and the government.
“The government has allocated a huge amount in sending students overseas. It is hoped that all the knowledge and experience they gained abroad will be used to the best of advantage, especially in contributing back to the nation’s socio-economic development.
“It is beyond question that some graduates are currently waiting for the opportunity to serve in the government or private sector. Therefore, each of the graduates must always be open to any available employment opportunity.
“The attitude of being open to employment among graduates is also heeding the titah of His Majesty during the official opening ceremony of the 17th Legislative Council (LegCo) session on March 13, regarding the implementation of several initiatives under the Economic Blueprint towards the creation of employment opportunities for locals. His Majesty also emphasised, ‘It is hoped that these opportunities will not go to waste, due to choosiness over jobs, which is a detrimental mindset.’”
The awards ceremony was intended as an appreciation of the graduates’ academic achievement, as well as a motivation for other students to excel in their studies.