| Ministry of Education |
WHILST excellence in teaching and learning are the crux to quality education, one cannot underscore the importance of facility maintenance in schools to create a conducive learning environment.
Its emphasis ensures the safety of students, staff and visitors while also sending out a message on the gravity that a country puts on education.
At the Ministry of Education (MoE), the role of maintaining, planning and managing education premises and facilities come under the purview of the Department of Planning and Estate Management (JPPE).
JPPE’s vision, ‘Towards a dynamic and quality infrastructure’, is achieved through the department’s mission, ‘To provide quality infrastructure for the learning, teaching, working and living condition’, which drives the department to maintain a constant focus on quality estate monitoring, maintenance and management.
Building Management is one of three main sections under JPPE.

Cikgu Gudaihenah Yadai, the Deputy Principal (Academic) at Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar Secondary School
In addition to its role in managing, monitoring and overseeing the maintenance and repair of buildings under the MoE (which includes all primary, secondary and higher education institutions), the Building Management section also addresses related matters that may be raised by education stakeholders.
“While we continue to monitor and conduct maintenance schedules of education premises, we also value responses that may be brought up by our stakeholders,” said an officer at JPPE.
When concerns are brought to light by certain parties, the section will work together with the relevant school(s) to ascertain and assess the issue(s).
One example of this collaboration is in the maintenance of school lavatories at Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar Secondary School, Kuala Belait, earlier this year.
While the premises are continuously monitored by the school and JPPE, vigilance from a concerned parent whose children attend the school helped highlight a potential activity damaging a certain facility.
Upon receipt of the complaint, immediate technical assessment was conducted by officers from JPPE to investigate and ascertain the concerned facility’s condition.
Through the inspection, the section concluded that there was no indication of vandalism as the cause of the damage was identified due to wear and tear from regular usage.
Once confirmed, the necessary repair measures were identified and processed.
Whilst appreciating the concern of relevant stakeholders, the school’s Principal, Cikgu Ai Fong Ching, noted the importance of proper communication between parents and the school.
She encouraged parents with concerns regarding the school to see her or a member of the school administration.

JPPE’s swift action has allowed student daily activities at the school to run with minimal disruptions
This is to avoid any misinformation/speculations and to ascertain and acquire further informat\?ion on the matter(s) raised.
The repair work on the school’s male lavatory was carried out due to the need to fix issues of toilet overuse.
This led JPPE officials to identify the need for more washrooms for the school in order to accommodate to its growing male student population.
As a result of this, provisions have been made to access toilets at the school’s surau and issuing of maintenance works without delay.
JPPE’s swift action has allowed student daily activities at the school to run with minimal disruptions.
Cikgu Gudaihenah Yadai, the Deputy Principal (Academic) at Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar Secondary School, hopes that the school population will continue to use amenities in the school responsibly.
“Our school was built in 1985 and began full operations in 1987, so there could be facilities that are no longer new,” she said.
“We are thankful for the swift response from JPPE after a report was made to repair a broken facility in the concerned lavatory… (In our case) toilet doors were replaced.”
JPPE Management works closely with school leaders and education officers in maintaining open communication with regards to planning, maintenance and repair of premises.
While the school, JPPE and caring stakeholders like parents cooperate towards this, it is equally important for all to realise the shared responsibility in maintaining school facilities and understanding proper channel for communication to highlight any arising matters.
The post Communication, cooperation for conducive learning environment appeared first on Borneo Bulletin Online.