THE Ministry of Health (MoH) warned the public that it found eight traditional medicines and health products as well as one cosmetic product to be adulterated.
The Laboratory of Pharmacy Section, Laboratory Services, MoH tested and found the products to contain undeclared, potent western medicine.
The following health products were found adulterated with Sibutramine: ‘DZ Garcinia Herbal Plus Capsule 500mg’ from DZ Trade Sdn Bhd, Malaysia; ‘XXS 350mg Pill’; and ‘Beautea Slim 10 Days Program Capsule’.
Sibutramine is a slimming agent but no longer recommended for medical use in treating obesity due to its harmful effects on the heart and liver. Its consumption can also cause serious adverse reactions such as high blood pressure, heart palpitation, insomnia and in the worst cases, kidney and liver damage.

Two health products, ‘Maajun Selasih Pil’ from Kampung Teluk Sungai Dua, Butterworth, Malaysia; and ‘Pil Ubat Penyakit Kulit Capsule’ from Vitai Pharm Factory Sdn Bhd, Taiwan were found adulterated with Dexamethasone and Clorpheniramine.
Unsupervised long-term consumption of potent corticosteroids such as Dexamethasone can cause increased blood glucose levels leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cataracts, muscular and bone disorders, and an increased risk of infections. Long term use of corticosteroids can also lead to Cushing’s syndrome which is characterised by a round face or ‘moon face’, and upper body obesity with thin limbs.

Consumers who have taken high doses of steroids over a prolonged period of time may suffer from withdrawal symptoms which include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, fever, low blood sugar, low blood pressure and dehydration.
The unsupervised consumption of Chlorpheniramine can cause adverse effects including dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, confusion, depression and convulsions.

Meanwhile, the health products ‘Mantap Bro 1,500mg Sachet’ was found adulterated with Tadalafil, while ‘Maxman IV Capsule 3,800mg’ from United Century Health Products (International) Group Co Ltd and ‘Bazooka Capsule’ from American E-Commerce Solution, the USA were found with Sildenafil.
Sildenafil and Tadalafil are drugs used to treat male impotency and can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor or physician. Among their side effects include nausea, vomiting, flushing and dizziness. In severe cases, they can also result in abnormal increase in heart rate, sudden loss of hearing and seizures.

The cosmetic product ‘Bee Venom 4 in 1 100% Organic – Moisturiser & Repair Serum’ was found adulterated with Mercury – a potent ingredient prohibited in cosmetic products as stipulated in the Medicines (Cosmetic Products) Regulations 2007.
Mercury is prohibited due to its hazardous effects on human health. It is readily absorbed through the skin on topical application and tends to accumulate in the body. Exposure to mercury can cause skin rashes, memory loss and muscle weakness while high exposures may result in damage to the brain and kidneys. It is also extremely toxic to unborn children.
The MoH has not issued any approval nor Cosmetic Notification Acknowledge-ment Letter for the importation for the sale of these products. Following these findings, the products are not allowed to be imported and sold in Brunei Darussalam.
Members of the public who have purchased or used these products are advised to stop using them immediately, and to consult a medical practitioner if they feel unwell or experience any undesirable reactions as a result of using them.
Members of the public involved in the retail of these products – including online retail – are reminded that it is an offence under the Poisons Act 1956 to sell any product containing any substance controlled under the said Act. The penalty for such an offence upon conviction, is a fine of $8,000 or six months’ impri-sonment.
If a person commits an Act that amounts to such a degree of negligence so as to endanger or be likely to endanger human life, the person shall be guilty of an offence which carries a penalty of a fine of $16,000 and 12 months’ imprisonment.
It is an offence under the Medicines (Cosmetic Products) Regulations, 2007, to import and market cosmetic products in the local market without a Cosmetic Product Notification Acknowledgement Letter issued by the authority.
The penalty for contravening these regulations upon conviction is a fine not exceeding $5,000, imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or both. The ministry seeks cooperation from the public to report to the Health Regulations Services if any of these products are still found on the market.
For information, the public can contact the Health Regulations Services at 2384182, e-mail to or go directly to Health Regulations Services, First Floor, Ministry of Health, Commonwealth Drive.
The public can also contact Darussalam line 123 for enquiries.
The post 8 health products found adulterated appeared first on Borneo Bulletin Online.