| Danial Norjidi |
THE Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) of the Energy and Industry Department at the Prime Minister’s Office (EIDPMO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a referral arrangement for the conduct of substantive search and examination of patents with the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) yesterday.
BruIPO was represented by Haji Mohamad Azmi bin Haji Mohd Hanifah, Permanent Secretary (Industry) at the Prime Minister’s Office in his capacity as the Registrar of BruIPO, while DKPTO was represented by Keld Nymann Jensen, its Deputy Director General.
Witnessing the occasion was Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Hamdan bin Haji Abu Bakar, Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office in his capacity as the Acting Minister of Energy and Industry at the Prime Minister’s Office.
The signing ceremony took place at the Design and Technology Building, Anggerek Desa Technology Park and was attended by officers from the EIDPMO and DKPTO.
The DKPTO has been acting as BruIPO’s examiner since the implementation of the indigenous patent system in Brunei Darussalam in 2012, and the signing ceremony signifies the continuation of collaborative efforts between the two offices in the area of patents for a further period of five years.
According to a press release, under the current patent system, substantive search and examination of patents are outsourced to foreign patent offices, namely the DKPTO, the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) and the Austrian Patent Office (APO).

For 2012-2016, BruIPO has received 371 applications from both foreign and national applicants and granted 42 patents.
In 2012, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam consented to the implementation of the Patents Order, 2011, which aimed to introduce an independent patent system that takes into consi-deration the requirements of patentability, namely novelty, inventive steps and industrial applicability.
The introduction of the 2012 patent system acted as a stepping stone towards the establish-ment of Brunei Darussalam’s national Intellectual Property (IP) office – responsible for IP regulations and policies – which was subsequently set up in 2013 with the objectives of creating and promoting a business-friendly IP ecosystem which ensures that micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and multinational corporations (MNCs) alike are well-protected in their IP.
Currently, BruIPO is respon-sible for the registration of patents, trademarks, industrial designs and plant varieties protection (PVP) as well as the implementation of international registration systems under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Madrid Protocol (trademark) and the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, which are all administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
“With a comprehensive IP system in place, it will not only enhance Brunei Darussalam’s attractiveness as an investment destination and encourage greater local entrepreneurial activity within, it is also in line with the government’s efforts to attract foreign direct investments, strengthen local enterprises as well as nurture innovation and creativity,” said the press release.
Information on BruIPO’s services is available at their help-desk at the Business Support Centre (BSC) at Level 1, Anggerek Desa Technology Park, while forms and fee schedules can be downloaded from BruIPO’s website at www.bruipo.gov.bn. Enquiries on filing procedures can sent to enquiries@bruipo.gov.bn or by contacting 2230965/2230966.
The post BruIPO inks MoU with Danish Patent and Trademark Office appeared first on Borneo Bulletin Online.