| Azlan Othman |
TWENTY-NINE students with special needs from various primary and secondary schools received a generous amount of specialised resources and learning aid during a donation handover ceremony held yesterday morning.
The event, organised by the Special Education Unit (SEU), Ministry of Education (MoE), was held at the main hall of the Curriculum Development Department at the MoE.
The guest of honour was Dr Haji Azman bin Ahmad, the Acting Permanent Secretary at the MoE. Also in attendance was Dr Haji Supry bin Haji Awang Ladi, the Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Communications (MinCom).
Other guests included Hajah Anis Faudzulani binti Haji Dzulkiflee, the Acting Director General of Education; directors from both the MoE and the MinCom, senior officials, principals, parents, officers from the Special Education Unit and officials from the MoE and the MinCom.
Dr Mona Aliana binti Dato Paduka Haji Alimin, the Acting Deputy Head at the SEU cum deputy chairperson of the organising committee said the specialised resources and learning aid were acquired through funds raised during last year’s charity event, ‘The Weather Run’ organised by the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD), MinCom in collaboration with the SEU, MoE.
The event was held as part of BDMD and the MinCom contribution towards their corporate responsibilities to the local community.
She highlighted that $15,295.98 was raised from the charity run and the fund was used for students with special needs (IKHLAS) initiative, which is a collaborative effort that aims to supplement existing provisions and resources, granting additional support for students with special needs.

IKHLAS comprises several sub-committees that aim to identify the requirements of students with special needs with the objective to overcome learning barriers as well as enhance their accessibility and independence in schools.
This is generally carried out through a cooperative community effort which involves support from private and corporate bodies wishing to make a difference in the community.
The event saw the guest of honour handing over various specialised resources and learning aid to the student recipients.
The donated items included a motorised wheelchair, talking dictionary, several laptops and desktops, an assortment of modified tables and chairs for the classroom, and a number of interactive tablets.
This was followed by the presentation of a token of appreciation to Dr Haji Supry by the guest of honour.
The guest of honour also presented another token of appreciation to the Director of the Meteorological Department at the MinCom.
This was followed by Dr Mona Aliana presenting a token of appreciation to the guest of honour.
The handover ceremony concluded with a group photo of talented students with special needs taking centre stage to sing an original song titled ‘Insan Kelainan Upaya’.
The song highlighted the harmony of human difference and diversity in our inclusive community.