SERUJI Haji Setia played a fantastic round of golf in the 23rd Baiduri Masters yesterday with a gross score of 67, improving on his last score by an astounding eight strokes, knocking Johari Ahmad out of the top spot. Johari maintains his gross of 68 and Wadiwadera Haji Wahid with gross of 69.
Another significant mover in the top 16 is Zulehram Yakub who improved his last score by four strokes to gross at 71, securing his place in the top 16 for today’s finals. Zulehram is tied with Haji Shahminan Haji Damit.
Tied with a gross of 72 are Ahmad Yani Haji Md Noor, Suhaimi Ibrahim and newcomer Awangku Md Syakir Pengiran Haji Ali.
Six players ended yesterday’s session with a gross of 73, namely Haji Hanafi Pehin Haji Ahmad, Pengiran Yura Wira, Ali Haji Rashid, Asmawi bin Ismail, Pengiran Haji Ahmad Zaki and Ruddy Yussof. Rounding off the last two positions in the top 16 are Menuddin Daud and Zaini bin Haji Abd Rahman with a gross of 74.
The finals of The Baiduri Masters 2018 will take place today. There are still slots for golfers targetting division wins of hole-in-one prizes in the afternoon. Registrations can be made at the RBA Golf Club, First Floor, VIP Room.
A prize presentation dinner will be held later today to crown the champion of The Baiduri Masters at Hua Ho Manggis Mall Ballroom.

The post Seruji improves score at The Baiduri Masters, edges Johari appeared first on Borneo Bulletin Online.