| Daniel Lim |
THE Pekan Kuala Belait Village Consultative Council (MPK) recently hosted the semi-finals for the Nasyid Acoustic Competition 2018 (GNA2018), as part of the 72nd birthday celebrations of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
Held at the Tudung Saji festive stage, with the collaboration of the Belait District Office, the event was intended to showcase the talents of Belait youths, especially those aged 15-35.
Six teams – Fitrah, Firqah Amaturrahman, Najimatul Munawwarah, An-Nisa, Asyura, and Iklilah – were featured in the semi-finals, having advanced from a previous stage of the competition at the Youth Mini-Centre Hall in Jalan Bunga Rambai, Kuala Belait.
Initially, five teams were chosen to proceed to the finals, with Firqah Amaturrahman scoring 83 per cent; The Fitrah, 81 per cent; Iklilah, 73 per cent; Najimatul Munawwarah, 68 per cent; and Asyura, 66 per cent.

Later it was announced that An-Nisa would also be joining the other teams in the finals, for its charming rendition and delivery.
The guest of honour was Legislative Council member and Penghulu of Mukim Liang Yang Berhormat Haji Abdul Hamid bin Haji Mumin, who was accompanied by his spouse.
Also present was Penghulu of Mukim Belait and the Acting Head of Pekan Kuala Belait Haji Pungut bin Haji Ali.
Haji Pungut said the competition was aimed at further encouraging the creed of Allah the Almighty, through religious songs.
The competition concluded with Firqah Amaturrahman receiving a prize from the guest of honour, who also presented tokens of appreciation to the panel of judges.
The competition finals will be held on August 31, at the Kuala Belait Conference Hall in Jalan McKerron.