BAIDURI Capital rolled out the Baiduri Capital Investment Challenge (BCIC) in October last year in its efforts to cultivate and raise awareness on investments and capital markets services, according to a press release from Baiduri Capital.
Open to final year students from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) School of Business and Economics, three teams of three students were each given BND5,000 as start-up capital to invest into any of the securities listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), Malaysia Stock Exchange (BURSA), Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx), China A-Shares (SSE-A) or the US Stock Exchange (NYSE MKT LLC, NYSE and NASDAQ).
General Manager of Baiduri Capital Peng Eng Soon speaking about the investment challenge said, “The investment challenge provides a platform for the students to apply what they have learnt in the classroom in a practical way and are able to see the results of their decisions in real life. Besides providing a general understanding in financial investments and capital markets services, we are providing these business students with real-life trading experience.”
Assistant Manager of Trading and Investment Services Yeo Kun Yu said, “Through the BCIC, we are able to show first-hand how investments are conducted and help them through the challenges and obstacles that they will face along the way.”
The three teams participating in the BCIC are JEC, Kelupis and the Young Economists.
Team leader of JEC Carmen Gan Ai Cheng said, “The investment challenge has been a great stepping stone for us to the world of stock trading.” She elaborated that the idea of investing has always been an interest and that the BCIC has been the perfect platform to venture into the world of investing.

Siti Khairunnisa binti Haji Damit of Kelupis on her team’s experience in participating in the BCIC said, “The investment challenge has been a wonderful learning experience for us. Through our extensive research when deciding on which stocks to invest in, we have a greater awareness and understanding on how specific events, which were previously irrelevant to us, now have an impact on the market.”
Goh Fui Tze of the Young Economists said, “Baiduri Capital has helped to increase our awareness on the various facets of investing as well as the different tools and services that Baiduri Capital provides for investors. Their consultation service has been of tremendous benefit for us as new investors.”
Peng Eng Soon presented the certificates of participation. Also present were Assistant Manager at Baiduri Capital Yeo Kun Yu, licensed dealers and senior financial planners.
The Young Economists were also presented with a congratulatory plaque for making the most profit in the competition.
Baiduri Capital is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Baiduri Bank, specialising in securities trading and investment products. Through its secure, web-based, online securities trading portal, the first in the country, customers can trade in SGX (Singapore), HKEx (Hong Kong), China A-Share, Bursa Malaysia, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ Stock Market and the NYSE MKT LLC (AMEX).
On top of securities trading, unit trusts, Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), Bonds and Investment Linked Life Insurance plan are also part of the Baiduri Capital portfolio.