| Syazwani Hj Rosli |
A TOTAL of 184 Year 9 students of Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit Girls Arabic Religious Secondary School (SUAMPRIPAD) were feted in a Khatam Al-Quran ceremony, marking the completion of their recitation of 30 Juzuks of Al-Quran yesterday morning.
The religious ceremony took place at the Musyawarah Hall of the International Convention Centre (ICC), Berakas.
Deputy State Mufti Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Japar bin Haji Mat Dain @ Maidin was the guest of honour.
Also present were the director of the Islamic Studies Department (JPI), JPI assistant director and heads of departments, principals of Arabic schools, SUAMPRIPAD officers and teachers, as well as parents and guardians.
The event commenced with the mass recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by the guest of honour, followed by the recitation of Al-Quran verses by the participants.

The ceremony continued with the recitation of Takhtim by Year 10 students and the reading of Doa Khatam.
The guest of honour handed over certificates and souvenirs to the participants, followed by the sprinkling of scented flowers on the participants.
The event was further enlivened with a Dikir Marhaban by Year 10 students.
A Doa Selamat was read to bless the occasion.
The ceremony’s objectives were to celebrate the students’ achievements in completing the 30 Juzuks of Al-Quran, and ensure they are able to read Al-Quran fluently.
The event was also part of the school’s initiative to encourage students to continue reading and understand the Al-Quran.