| Abdul Hakiim Yakof |
TWO sermons were delivered by State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned during the Sunnat Aidiladha prayer at the Jame’ ‘Asr Hassanil Bolkiah yesterday.
In the first sermon, the State Mufti retold the story of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh), whose faith was tested in being ordered to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail (pbuh).
“These days, we are not required to offer our children as sacrifices, but instead, we are commanded to have faith and perform our prayers. We are also commanded to render our services to the public in the form of finances, ethical conduct and lawful assembly. These are minor obligations, compared to the command received by Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh).”
The State Mufti then shared the story of two pious men: Ibn Abbas, who would rather lose his eyesight than miss out on his prayers; and an old man who refused to break his fast at the bidding of the ruthless governor of Iraq, Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf. “Al-Hajjaj was a cruel dictator; he has gone down in history as responsible for the mass killings of over 20,000 people,” said the State Mufti.

“Yet this old man remained resolute, refusing to abandon his fast, out of pure devotion and submission to Allah the Almighty.”
In the second sermon, the State Mufti encouraged Muslims to dedicate a portion of their earnings for , donations and charitable drives, by citing the examples of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s companions: Sayyidina Abu Bakar and Sayyidina Umar, who competed with each other in giving to charity; Abdul Rahman bin ‘Auf, who spent his wealth on philanthropic causes; and Abu Uqail, who worked hard so that he could give alms to the poor.