| Daniel Lim |
IN CONJUNCTION with the 13th National Youth Day celebration observed on August 1, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs and all four District Offices in the country conducted a Youth Bus Programme, which started on September 8.
Thirty-five youth comprising 24 boys and 11 girls from the age of 16 – 20 from several parts of the country participated in the programme.
The programme was aimed at educating and developing leadership and understanding as participating youth interacted with residents from several places in each district. The programme was also an opportunity to help establish a closer relationship, while learning more about the identity, culture and community in each of the district.
Among the activities the youth conducted in the Belait District included visiting the Mendaram Besar Longhouse, Labi on September 10; where they spent time to learn more about handicrafts from the women’s bureau of the longhouse and spent a night at the longhouse.
The following day the youth visited various farming and livestock found in the Labi area followed by a visit to the Liang Lumut Recreational Club (LLRC) to meet Acting Belait District Officer Ridzuan bin Haji Ahmad to learn more about the district and several landmarks as well as the history and culture of the district.

The youth also participated in a culture and recreational activity together with members of the Kampong Sungai Liang Village Consultative Council the same afternoon.
One of the participating youth of the programme, Muhammad Adi Amirul Mustaqim bin Mohd Khairul Amin, 18, noted that the programme was quite an experience as it was his first time participating in the programme.
“It was quite a challenge to visit places we rarely go to, but it was quite fun as we experienced things outside our normal routine,” he said.
The group will conclude the programme with a visit to the Tutong District today.