| Abdul Hakiim Yakof |
THE Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) celebrated the 1440 Hijrah New Year yesterday at the Kampong Lumapas Mosque. The ministry’s annual event was co-organised by the Fire and Rescue Department and the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC).
Minister of Home Affairs Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Awang Abu Bakar bin Haji Apong was in attendance as the guest of honour.
The Doa Awal Tahun 1440 Hijrah was recited by the Acting Imam of Kampong Lumapas Mosque Mohd Salleh bin Haji Abdul Rahman to mark the beginning of the event. The event continued with a talk titled Hijrah Hati by Assistant Counsellor at the Prisons Department Ustaz Fariszal bin Haji Ali where he shared the history and significance of the Hijrah new year.
The Minister of Home Affairs and the rest of the attendees then joined the congregational Asar prayer led by Mohd Salleh.
The guest of honour then handed over contributions to the mosque.
Members of the Legislative Council for the Brunei-Muara District, permanent secretaries and deputy permanent secretaries at the MoHA, heads of department, senior officers and staff under MoHA as well as penghulus and village heads also attended the event.