| Abdul Hakiim Yakof |
THE finals of the National Youth Al-Quran Reading Competition 1440H/2018 organised by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) will be held on Thursday at 8pm at the Digadong Hall of the MCYS Building.
Eighty-six registrations from all four districts were received this year. Five Qaris and five Qariahs selected from the semi-finals will present their Al-Quran recitations at the finals.
The Qaris are Abdul Qawiyeel Azeez bin Haji Abdul Rajid, Abdul Wafiy bin Haji Ibrahim, Abdul Mu’in bin Haji Abdul Hamid, Haji Hazwan bin Haji Salim and Muhammad Sa’dun bin Suhaili.
The Qariahs are Effa Surya Humyrah binti Haji Ali Bolkiah, Maizatun Nadzeerah binti Haji Md Daud, Dayangku Fauziah Nadhirah binti Pengiran Haji Jofri, Dayangku Nurul Sakinah Adawiyah binti Pengiran Ainolazhar and Dayangku Siti Ummi Syazana binti Pengiran Haji Marjuki.
The MCYS is inviting the public, especially youth who wish to witness the competition, to attend the finals to enliven the event.
Seats will be limited and members of the public are advised to dress appropriately (male in complete Baju Cara Melayu and female in Baju Kurung and headscarf).