| Izah Azahari |
STUDENTS must continuously strive to obtain knowledge in schools, whether it is formal or informal, and be respectful to teachers, Rimba Secondary School Principal Haji Malai Shah Eran bin Syed Haji Yussof Al-Idrus said.
He made these remarks at the Teacher’s Day celebration at Rimba Secondary School yesterday, which opened with the singing of the national anthem, a Doa Selamat and recitation of Al-Quran verses.
He highlighted that the theme ‘Dedicated Teachers, Excellent Education’ gives meaning to teachers that are diligent and sincere in preparing for their job and carrying it out whole-heartedly, ensuring their teaching is effective and meaningful to students.
This allows students to follow what is being taught with a high level of understanding, he said.
The event also saw a brief speech by Student Representative Muhd Hadziq bin Haji Ramlee, a choir performance by students and a poem recital.

The celebration was a show of gratitude to the teaching staff, and allowed for the strengthening of ties between students and teachers.
The event was part of a religious activity held in conjunction with Teacher’s Day celebration in the Sultanate, organised by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA).
The celebration is held annually on September 23, in conjunction with the birth anniversary of Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam in remembrance of the service of Al-Marhum to the progress of education in Brunei Darussalam.
This year, the main event of the 28th Teachers’ Day celebration was held on September 24, at the International Convention Centre.