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MIB values ensure continued prosperity, peace


|     Dr Muhammad Hadi bin Muhammad Melayong, Senior Special Duties Officer, Secretariat Office MIB Supreme Council     |

THE Secretariat Office of Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) Supreme Council was invited by the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan, Malaysia to present a paper at the International Conference on Islam and Global Issues (iCIGI) 2018.

The author, together with other Bruneian participants attended the conference from March 25-26.

The conference was open to academicians, researchers, graduates, postgraduates and others from within and outside the country. UiTM Kelantan Branch campus is located in Machang, about 49 kilometres from Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.

The event, themed ‘Entrusting Islam and Providing Insights into Global Issues in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution’, aimed to provide a platform for discussions and interaction among participants on issues impacting Islam globally.

Over 500 and 150 accompanying paperwork were discussed. The conference aimed to promote the culture of research related to Islam and global issues; compile the latest materials and academic writings on Islam and global issues; provide a platform for discussions and interaction among the thinkers, experts, researchers and academicians; and publish the conference papers in national and international journals.

Brunei representatives in a group photo during the conference
The opening ceremony of the International Conference on Islam and Global Issues (iCIGI) 2018

Topics discussed included Dakwah and history – Social and Humanity – Politics and Governance – Aqidah, Syariah and Akhlak Waqaf and Zakat – Haj and Umrah – Astronomy and Astrophysics- Science, Technology and Medical/Health – Food and Agriculture – Education and Special Education, and Training – Economics, Finance/Banking, Business, Entrepreneurship and Accounting – Tourism, Entertainment and Music – Environment and Climate Change – Art, Design and Architecture or others related to global and contemporary issues.

Representatives from Brunei Darussalam presented two paperworks on the institution of monarchy by the author. Haji Dzulkiflee bin Haji Abdul Latif discussed the educational system in Brunei Darussalam from a historical perspective from the traditional background education system with a focus on Islamic education before and after the introduction of the British Resident in 1906.

Haji Dzulkiflee highlighted the importance of the country’s education system based on Brunei culture heavily influenced by Islamic values without denying the importance of modern knowledge whether in terms of skills, their expertise, their intelligence and expertise in worldly knowledge.

These are all values that should be owned by the human capital of the nation of Brunei through a process of formal and informal education for preparation towards achieving the Brunei Vision 2035.

The author’s paperwork focussed on the institution of the monarchy practised in Brunei Darussalam with the role of Islam as the pillar that preserves the existence of monarchy in Brunei. The paper highlighted how the monarchy institution that has existed for over 1,400 years in Brunei Darussalam proved to withstand in challenging the impact from the outside world in providing the prosperity and well-being of society and nation of Brunei Darussalam.

This can be proved based on the continuity of the existence of Brunei Darussalam adopting the monarchy institution without any question from the people.

Alhamdulillah, the presentation of the paperwork regarding the institution of monarchy in Brunei Darussalam only received three questions from the participants that related to Islam, the practice of monarchy and the challenges of globalisation that were complementary to the centre by the author. The questions were related to law enforcement of Syariah Code in Brunei, the problem of new media in society especially the young generation and how to handle them and the role of the monarchy in creating harmony and unity in the community life with different cultures and social background.

The matter was explained in detail by the author based on the laws in the Brunei Constitution 1959, the Royal Customs, historical existence of Brunei Darussalam as well as the position of Islam as the official religion of the country.

All factors secured the adoption of the monarchy system that has become a basis of consolidation and unity of life of community among the people and its inhabitants comprising different races, religions and different cultures as well as history.

Having harmony and unity in the community is a result of the adoption of the monarchy that became obedient to the Ulil Amri– King that leverages the Royal Customs and the teachings of the Islamic religion in which ‘rakyat tidak boleh derhaka dan raja hendaklah berlaku adil (tidak boleh zalim)’.

The Brunei Constitution 1959, amendment 2004 and 2008 stated that the Malay Islamic Monarchy philosophy that has become a way of life and policy of the nation where the King is the head of State and head of the religion of Islam.

This is good practice and retention of the monarchy, which are the consolidation and also the integrity of the existence of Malay Islamic Monarchy in Brunei Darussalam. Although the institution of monarchy became a source of prosperity and well-being factors of living but in fact Islam is the basis on which a core to the integrity of the monarchy for certainty of survival of an MIB nation. This is clearly proven by reference to the Brunei national history which has practised the monarchy system since the 14th Century. The nation of Brunei is confident that Brunei’s sovereignty only can be maintained and strengthened through the practice and appreciation of the values of the national philosophy of Malay Islamic Monarchy reaffirmed by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam in his titah in Australia on March 17, 2018.

As Bruneians we should continuously practise the values of MIB as a national philosophy of Brunei Darussalam as the basis of guaranteed prosperity, well-being, peace and unity of life the strong community that adheres to Islamic values which are pure. Although there are different ethnics, races, religions and cultures but all are united as one based on their loyalty to the King which creates harmony and stability in the society. Blessings from the practice of life based on the values of MIB make up the identity of Bruneians. Malay Islamic Monarchy is a heritage of the nation of Brunei practised since antiquity that the source of the glory and grandeur of the Malay Empire in Nusantara.

Brunei Darussalam continues to adopt the three elements of traditions that became the policy and way of life of people and the nation.

In the presentation the author summarised that Brunei Darussalam is an independent and sovereign country, which remains forever based on the concept MIB, speaking in Brunei Malay with Malay cultures by practising the teachings of Islam according to Mazhab Shafi’e, Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, and allegiance to His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam as head of a country ruled by faith, Islam and Ehsan.

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