| Wani Roslan & Lyna Mohamad |
A TOTAL of 191 pupils from Kindergarten 2 and another 202 from Kindergarten 3 of Taman Asuhan Kanak-Kanak Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (TASKA YSHHB) were feted at an Academic Certificate Presentation and Concert Ceremony at TASKA Hall, yesterday.
Attending the morning session were Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Hamidah Jamalul Bulqiah, the daughter of His Royal Highness Prince Haji Jefri Bolkiah; Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul ‘Ali Yil-Kabier bin Pengiran Lela Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pengiran Anak Haji Abdul Aziz and Pengiran Anak ‘Abdul Muta’ali Haziq Hamidullah, grandson of His Royal Highness Prince Haji Jefri Bolkiah.
Joining the concert’s morning performance was Pengiran Anak ‘Alisha Husnara Jaida Bulqiah, granddaughter of His Royal Highness Prince Haji Jefri Bolkiah.
Meanwhile, Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Abdul Badee’ bin Pengiran Kerma Raja Pengiran Haji Kamarulzaman and spouse attended the afternoon session to witness the graduation of their son, Pengiran Muhd Abdul Haadee Mubasheer, grandson of Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Amal Nasibah.
In her welcoming remarks, Acting Principal of TASKA YSHHB Datin Hajah Zainab bin Haji Abdul Wahab underlined the importance of holistic education in which the nursery applies by adopting a play-based learning approach.

“In 2018, TASKA students were exposed to various interesting activities relating to career, family day, culture and nature,” she said, adding that the nursery works to prepare the students for their formal education as best as they can.
“We cover aspects of their holistic development, including their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs,” she added. “The young students learn different things at various stages of their development such as walking, talking, and refining their motor skills, among others.”
Datin Hajah Zainab noted that in steps to upgrade the students’ holistic development beyond academia, the nursery has initiated several new projects last year, in addition to ongoing ones.
“One of the new projects is the Menderma Amalan Mulia TASKA project, which exposes the children to the practice of donating to orphans during the month of Ramadhan, particularly those in nursery schools,” she said.
The acting principal pointed out that the ceremony was also aimed at showcasing the talents of the students as a form of training to instil a spirit of cooperation among their friends in performing their duties in a team. It was also aimed at encouraging the students to be brave in performing before an audience.
The ceremony was divided into two segments: a morning session and an afternoon session.
The morning session saw the Kindergarten 2 pupils receiving their academic certificates from Assistant Managing Director I of YSHHB Haji Mustapha bin Haji Matahir.
In the afternoon, pupils from Kindergarten 3 were presented academic certificates by Managing Director of YSHHB Dato Paduka Eddie bin Dato Paduka Haji Sunny.
Selected students from each of the classes received Best Achievement Awards and Best Progress Awards in recognition of their efforts.
The afternoon session began with a mini concert by Kindergarten 3 pupils themed Nabi Muhammad Idolaku, with the singing of a song called We Are Ready To Go followed by stage performances.