| Achong Tanjong |
THE Ministry of Communications (MinCom) and the departments under it are currently going through a rebranding in preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution and to gear the country’s economy towards the digital era.
This was stated by Minister of Communications Dato Seri Setia Awang Abdul Mutalib bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yusof at yesterday’s Muzakarah session between the ministry and members of the Legislative Council at Al-Fath Hall of the Maritime and Port Authority Brunei Darussalam (MPABD) in Muara.
The minister said a “significant mindset shift” is required among Bruneians in this challenging journey, a transition which he said “will involve the implementation and acceptance of new technologies”.
The minister added that in this context, workforce reskilling is particularly important in terms of adapting to these changes and providing the best and quality services to the public.
“This requires not just the efforts of the Ministry of Communications, but concerted support from all industries and stakeholders in the country,” the minister said.

He added that various departments under the ministry have been restructured or corporatised to enhance the efficiency of their operations.
Examples include the Postal Services Department and the MPABD, which before restructuring was two separate entities – the Ports Department and Marine Department.
“For the Ministry of Communications, after consolidation, it now seems smaller but in terms of sectors it encompasses, it has actually become bigger,” said the minister. “Before this we also see the telecommunications sector undergoing a corporatisation process, with the establishment of AITI and TelBru being restructured as a telecommunications services provider.”
The minister said as part of a strategic priority of the MinCom, other departments under the ministry will be considered for corporatisation where fit or if the move is deemed to bring about more benefits.
He added that several services under the Land Transport Department (JPD) have also been commercialised, one of which is its vehicle inspection service now provided by selected JPD-authorised workshops from the private sector.
“Safety in the transportation and communication sectors is also very important. The ministry places great emphasis on this – in the areas of land, sea and air. The main priority is the ministry’s role in implementing safety measures and controlling safety for the good of the public. Safety measures include safety standards, quality of services standards, and reliability standards,” the minister added.
In preparation for yesterday’s meeting session, the Legislative Council members made several visits in October and early November to departments and agencies under the MinCom, as well as a number private sector companies providing communication and telecommunication services.
Also present at the meeting yesterday were Permanent Secretary at the MinCom Haji Azhar bin Haji Ahmad, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the MinCom Dr Haji Supry bin Haji Awang Ladi, sections directors, and heads of departments, as well as the chief executive and senior officers of the ministry.
The 16-member Legislative Council (LegCo) delegation was led by Yang Berhormat Haji Abdul Hamid @ Sabli bin Haji Arshad.
The session, held annually, is aimed at enhancing the relationship and cooperation between the MinCom and LegCo members, and to discuss issues encountered in the country, particularly those highlighted during the 14th LegCo Session earlier in March.