| Syazwani Hj Rosli |
FIVE individuals who have recently completed their training in the UnikLearn programme were celebrated in the ‘Graduation Ceremony of UnikLearn: Vocational Training and Internship Programme for Young Adults with Autism and Other Developmental Delays’ at The Rizqun International Hotel in Gadong yesterday.
Guest of honour at the event was Chairman of An-Nur Harapan Sdn Bhd Pengrain Haji Salleh Ab-Rahaman bin Pengiran Haji Damit.
The event began with the recitation of Doa Selamat and a welcoming remark by Queenie Chong from StartUp Brunei.
“Our challenge is to ensure that Bruneians with autism, especially those that are willing to learn and acquire skills are given a fair job opportunity,” she said.
The event saw the presentation of certificates to the trainees by the guest of honour. All five trainees are currently doing their internships at Noice Café, Royal Brunei Catering (RBC) at the Ministry of Finance and Economy and Project Ice Cream.
Partners and sponsors of the UnikLearn programme and donors to An-Nur Harapan charity foundation also received certificates of appreciation.
UnikLearn is a fee-paying vocational training and internship programme designed by professional therapists to empower young adults with autism to be independent and contributing members of the community. It is a collaboration between An-Nur Harapan, StartUp Brunei and Spark Lifeskill.