| Hakim Hayat |
MANAGEMENT and Science University (MSU) Medical Centre (MSUMC) in Shah Alam, Malaysia opened its doors last month, and the teaching hospital is set to serve not only the medical students of MSU’s International Medical School (IMS) but also the general public, corporate, and tourists, a press statement from the medical centre said.
With its tagline ‘Caring, Healing, Educating’, the 250-bed 14-level MSUMC is equipped with six operation theatres, six labour rooms, five intensive-care units, four dental clinics, specialist clinics and day-care facilities. It envisions a transformative future in healthcare through accessible, integrated medical services.
Comprehensiveness is a distinctive feature of MSUMC, with complementary Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) adding to in-patient, specialist out-patient, ambulatory and support services. Another distinguishing feature is its mortuary’s separate holding areas for Muslims and non-Muslims.
Themed ‘Engaging the Community’, the MSUMC opening day had orphans and Orang Asli as special guests, collectively from the Al-Khadeem Home of Hope, Rumah Kasih Harmoni, Rumah Siraman Kasih, Baitul Hidayah Orphanage, Hashimiah Orphanage and Tahfiz School, and As-Solihin Charity Home for Orphans and Asnaf; as well as the Desa Temuan in Bukit Lanjan and the Rasau Hilir Orang Asli settlements.
The opening-day patients were treated to eye examinations, health screenings and talks, MRI and mammogram screenings, and CPR demonstrations.

Ten orphans and 12 Orang Asli received a pair of prescription glasses each from MSU President Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, who launched the soft opening.
MSU Vice Chancellor Professor Puan Sri Datuk Dr Junainah binti Abdul Hamid, MSUMC Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Nasharuddin Shukor and MSUMC Medical Director Dato’ Dr Lailanor Ibrahim also attended.
MSUMC’s in-patient services comprise medical, general surgical, obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), paediatric, orthopaedic, intensive care, and emergency. Endoscopy is the diagnostic procedure offered in ambulatory care at MSUMC.
Support services at MSUMC besides mammography and MRI include general X-ray, CT scan, fluoroscopy, and intra-oral; as well as laboratory, anaesthesia, pharmaceutical, nursing, dietary, rehabilitation, and a central sterile services department (CSSD).
Eleven specialist clinics on Level 3 and 12 on Level 4 of MSUMC provide out-patient services ranging from medical, general surgical, dental, and psychiatry; to obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatric, and family medicine; and ENT/ORL, orthopaedic, urology, and ophthalmology. Level 4 also holds a Health Screening Centre and MSUMC’s four dental clinics.
Surgical day-care, with four beds for male patients and four for female, is on Level 5, while Level 6 houses four of the five intensive-care units (ICUs), the operation theatres, the labour rooms, and an eight-basinet nursery with two phototherapy cots.
MSUMC wards offer single-bedded, double-bedded, four-bedded, and VIP rooms, with soft-closing doors and secure personal lockers that lock and unlock by the patient’s own RFID (such as the national identification card or NRIC). The paediatric and O&G wards are on Levels 10 and 14, whereas the general wards are on Levels 9, 11, 12, and 13.
MSUMC is on a mission to provide a transformative patient experience within an eco-friendly environment that incorporates advances in medical technology, ethics, and social transformation initiatives; and to ensure collaborative, integrated services in managing healthcare services parallel with technology’s optimisation and innovation.
Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid remarked that “Community engagement is a reflection of our caring component, and MSU Medical Centre together with MSU International Medical School reflect our aspiration to help community by complementing health care efforts locally and globally.”
In cultivating an ecosystem of education and research that aims to create impactful outcomes in meeting national and global healthcare challenges, MSUMC advocates social well-being by instilling a culture of preventive and predictive care; a caring institution delivering accessible, holistic and quality healthcare.