| Lyna Mohamad |
THE Special Education Unit (SEU) under the Ministry of Education (MoE) held a certificate presentation ceremony at the Airport Mall’s Mahligai Hall yesterday.
Acting Director-General of Education at the Ministry of Education Hajah Anis Faudzulani binti Haji Dzulkiflee was the guest of honour at the ceremony that also coincided with an Open Day event to celebrate the graduation of 75 students who recently completed a Pre-Vocational Programme between 2014 and 2018.
The ceremony began with welcoming remarks by Acting Head of the SEU as chairperson of the organising committee Haji Ali Yusri bin Haji Abdul Ghafor who said that the unit is in the process of implementing several initiatives to further expand these learning programmes at the primary and secondary levels.
“Among the initiatives currently being processed is a special curriculum for special needs students; and in the near future, the curriculum at the secondary level through the Pre-Vocational Programme will be reviewed to ensure that it is capable of meeting the skills required by the industries,” he said.
“In sports, six special needs students will be participating in athletics and track-and-field in the 2019 Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi. This clearly is evidence that special needs students can also succeed in sports, and elevate our country at a regional and international level.

“On the religious side, the SEU has successfully provided opportunities for four special needs students to enrol in memorising programmes according to specific categories.”
The guest of honour presented certificates to 75 graduating students, as well as certificates of appreciation to four homeroom teachers and six Special Education Needs Assistance (SENA) teachers who recently retired from service. The guest of honour also presented 16 companies with certificates of appreciation for their support and partnership in providing work placements for students in the Pre-Vocational Programme.
Designed to meet the needs of students with special needs who require additional support in mastering skills in one or more of the following domains namely academic, social and communication, physical, sensory and independent living, the Pre-Vocational Programme is an alternative pathway.
At the same time, it sets out to maximise the potential of students with special needs, so that they can acquire various vocational and life skills which will empower them to become independent adults.
The five-year programme includes Years 7-9 on Basic Academia and Visits on Career Exploration and Preparation; Year 10 on Career Placement and Career Awareness; and Year 11 on Career Specialisation Placement and Follow-up.
Following the presentation ceremony, the guest of honour toured an exhibition showcasing a wide variety of items for sale, prepared by students in the Pre-Vocational Programme from 22 secondary schools.
Hand-crafted bags, pillows, framed artwork and needlework, fresh produce grown in gardens and greenhouses, biscuits, cupcakes, and rosella jam were among the items featured at the exhibition.
In the Open Day event, the students’ parents and guardians were invited to meet with representatives from several institutions and agencies which could potentially assist in broadening their career prospects.
Among the participating institutions and agencies were JobCentre Brunei, the Manpower Policy and Planning Unit at the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry; and the Youth Development Centre at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.
The Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE), Pusat Bahagia, the Community Development Department (JAPEM), UnikLearn, Paralympic Council of Brunei Darussalam (PCBD), Special Olympics Brunei Darussalam (SOBD), Brunei Darussalam National Association of the Blind (BDNAB) and National Association for the Hearing-Impaired (OKP) were also among those participating in the event.