THE Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) Cross Country Competition 2019/2020 was held at Naval Training Centre, Muara Naval Base. More than 200 officers and personnel from the Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF), Royal Brunei Navy (RBN), Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF), Training Institute (TI) RBAF, Ministry of Defence (MinDef) and Special Forces Regiment (SFR) participated in the competition.
The guest of honour was Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy First Admiral Pengiran Dato Seri Pahlawan Norazmi bin Pengiran Haji Muhammad. Also present were RBAF service commanders, commandants, military directors and RBAF personnel.
Two main categories contested were Category by Age Groups and Team Category where all participants were tested on their physical and mental endurance by running through high grounds, roads and coastal areas around Bukit Tempayan Pisang. The guest of honour also participated in a group run alongside the RBAF service commanders, commandants, military directors and RBAF personnel.
The overall champion for the team category was RBLF, while MinDef and RBN were in second and third places.
The RBAF Cross Country Championship 2019/2020 is an annual sport event that aims to inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship among the RBAF units and to instil a healthy lifestyle for all RBAF personnel.