The weather phenomenon, squall line, was observed in Brunei last Sunday around 7.30am, stated the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD) yesterday.
Squall line is a band of vigorous convective activity, often with heavy thunderstorms and strong wind. The leading edge of a squall line is often made of arcus cloud. Two common types of arcus cloud are shelf cloud and roll cloud. Shelf cloud is a supplementary feature of a cumulonimbus (thunderstorms) cloud.
In Brunei, shelf cloud is a common sight during the Southwest Monsoon season.
Cloud enthusiasts can share their collection of cloud pictures with BDMD through its Facebook or Instagram accounts @bruneiweather. The public can also email the department at for information about different clouds observed in Brunei Darussalam or contact the Duty Meteorological Forecaster at Weather Line 114.