Aziz Idris
Fifty-four participants from the Tutong Senior Citizens Activity Centre (PKWE) are attending a three-day workshop on basic sign language organised by the Community Development Department (JAPEM) and Association for the Hearing-Impaired (OKP). The workshop which commenced yesterday, will continue tomorrow.
Legislative Council member and Penghulu of Mukim Tanjong Maya Yang Berhormat Haji Abdul Wahab bin Apong, the guest of honour, officiated the workshop.
Acting Head of Persons with Different Abilities Division (BOKU) under JAPEM Irnawati binti Haji Mahir said the workshop is an effort to expose the public, especially senior citizens, to the importance of sign language in communicating with hearing-impaired persons.
Participants will be given several modules including learning the use of hand shapes to spell letters and numbers, basic communication, such as greetings and questions, in sign language, and role-play activities.