Lyna Mohamad & Rokiah Mahmud
Signature dishes including Nasi Liwet Khas Sunda, Soto Ayam Surabaya, Kalio Sotong, Udang Goreng Saus Padang, Ikan Bakar Khas Sunda Sambel Mangga, Iga Bakar Sari Wangi Lada Hijau, Gulai Daun Singkong and Urap Sayur were among the Indonesian favourites presented at the Brunei Food Awards (BFA) food tasting event.
Host Pondok Sari Wangi Restaurant Gadong also served all-time favourite drink Es Cendol Jakarta and dessert Es Teller, competing under Brunei Best Indonesian Restaurant and Indonesia Dishes.
Joining the panel of BFA judges were Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Dr Sujatmiko, Canadian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam Jeanette Stovel and Timor Leste Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Marcal Avelino Ximenes and Haji Rozan bin Dato Paduka Haji Md Yunos.
Pondok Sari Wangi Restaurant Manager Ridwan Horas briefed the guests on the items in the menu.
As a family-run restaurant, Ridwan is persistent on the quality of food, service and prices.

“Although I am not Bruneian, we are a homegrown Indonesian restaurant. We were the first restaurant to introduce Ayam Goreng Penyet in Brunei Darussalam over 20 years ago. The recipe is from a lady who cooked Ayam Penyet in Surabaya and we still serve the same recipe.”
Meanwhile, Mr Baker’s Bakeshop also showcased its delicacies to the BFA judges at Food Science and Technology of Universiti Teckologi Brunei (UTB).
Mr Baker’s Bakeshop competed in the BFA with sourdough bread.
The bread is low in gluten, easy to digest and can control sugar and blood levels, while the bacteria content is beneficial to the digestive system.
High Commissioner (Designate) of Bangladesh to Brunei Darussalam Nahida Rahman Shumona, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Brunei Darussalam Homeira Rigi Zirouki and Ambassador of Myanmar to Brunei Darussalam U Htin Lynn were the guests of honour.
The evaluation and scoring of restaurants, stalls and eateries will continue until the first week of December. To date, over 200 eateries have been evaluated and scored by the BFA officials.