| Hakim Hayat |
FIRM grip on Aqidah or faith is fundamental to safeguard Muslims and Islam in the wake of multi-faceted provocations and elements that seek to weaken the religion and its followers, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam said in a titah yesterday.
In a televised address from the Istana Nurul Iman on state broadcaster Radio Televisyen Brunei (RTB) last evening to mark the Maulidur Rasul or birthday anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the year 1438 Hijrah which falls today, the monarch said that with reports on provocations towards minority Muslims in certain countries rampant in this era, the relevant parties should promptly find a peaceful resolution to ensure the protection and harmony of all people. “In the name of Islam, the merciful religion, and humanity as well as regional solidarity, we hope this will be dealt with justice promptly,” His Majesty said.
The monarch went on to say that strengthening of faith, which is based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is crucial to protect Muslims, while noting that Muslims in the golden age back then prioritised faith more than anything else, which made them not just protected, but also tough and revered by all.
His Majesty also called on those responsible for Dakwah or preaching Islam to be relentless in strengthening and empowering faith, warning that delaying it is no option because this will allow negative elements to take advantage of it.
Earlier in the titah, His Majesty praised the work of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), likening him to a “shining light and grace for all realms” as stated in the Al-Quran. “What is more reminiscent than a light that can shine upon darkness and shower grace upon humanity to save it from torment?” asked His Majesty.

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam delivering the titah. – HAKIM HAYAT
Without Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), His Majesty said that the world will be in the dark while grace will be far from reach. “But Allah the Almighty, being the most merciful and gracious, sent us the final Prophet and Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), to be the torching light and grace for the entire universe.”
The monarch added that there is no doubt that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the beloved Prophet of Allah the Almighty, indicated by the many privileges showered upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that was never given to anyone else, noting that some, including the mentioning of the Prophet’s name in the Syahadah or testimony, goes in tandem with the name of Allah the Almighty and also the fact that Allah the Almighty and his Malaikat or angels have given their Selawat or salutations and blessings to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 56 of the Al-Quran.
Moreover, His Majesty noted that in the hereafter, Allah the Almighty has consented for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to grant his followers the Syafa’at or intercede to lessen the burden and release them from hardships.
Although Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is gone, the intimate bond is still present with his followers, such as during the Azan or call for prayer and while performing prayers or reciting the Selawat. His Majesty said this is the connotation that our bond with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is eternal.
“This is why Muslims are fortunate, because by just saying the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) name, we are granted with bounties and if we recite the Selawat once, Allah the Almighty will return it to us ten fold,” said His Majesty.
Therefore, His Majesty said that it is appropriate for us to remember the Maulidur Rasul as a way to show our affection towards Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and start afresh with our resolutions to have more understanding of Islam that was brought to us by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The post Faith crucial to protect Islam, says His Majesty appeared first on Borneo Bulletin Online.