| Daniel Lim |
THE Oil and Gas Discovery Centre (OGDC) announced that its participation in the International Science Drama Competition (ISDC) this year has been successful as the team representing Brunei, ‘Science Fillet’, won two distinguished prizes.
ISDC is an annual competition that aims to promote science through drama, which enables participants to showcase their scientific knowledge with their own unique dramatic flair.
The competition was divided into two categories – Primary School and Open, with this year’s competition held on July 14 and was hosted by Petrosains, Malaysia at KDU University College, Shah Alam.
The team representing Brunei – ‘Science Fillet’ – were the winners from OGDC science show competition 2017 comprising Yadiy Wa’ie Mukminin Rizalman, Manav Hardinata Jamaddhiha Napitupulu, Danial Matin and Angginta Elainy Fausta Napitupulu; all of whom are students from St James’ school, Kuala Belait. They were accompanied by their teacher as well as representatives from OGDC.

The team competed in the Open category by performing a drama titled ‘The Great Paralympian’ which is in line with this year’s ISDC theme, that is Sports Science.
‘Science Fillet’ was awarded second place in the Open category, and received USD300. Singapore’s ‘Nanyang Theatre Club’ was crowned the first place winner and ‘The Warriors’ of Malaysia in third place.
The outstanding performer in the Open category was awarded to Science Fillet’s cast, Yadiy Wa’ie Mukminin Rizalman.