| James Kon |
ELEVEN graduates of the Laksamana College of Business (LCB) received first-class honours from the University of Chester on Thursday.
During the LCB graduation ceremony at The Rizqun International Hotel some of the recipients shared their personal journeys and challenges on the road to success.
One of them was Olivia Huey Tyng Liaw, who graduated with a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance.
In her speech at the graduation ceremony, she said, “As many of you know, I struggled to get a degree for seven years. After a string of constant failures, I grew disappointed. I felt embarrassed, depressed and fearful. I disconnected myself with anyone associated with me at the time.
“Three years ago, I gave up all attempts and decided to look for a job. With some assurance from my parents, I decided to make a final attempt. It was then that I found out what LCB has to offer, and something told me that I had another chance to get a UK-certified qualification. Now, here I am today, standing before you, with a first-class honours degree in Accounting and Finance,” she added.
Meanwhile, Ivan Ninan, who graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science, recalled in his speech, “I first Joined LCB four years ago where I was doing my Higher National Diploma in Computing. I still recall my first day quite clearly – I was nervous as most new students would be, but I was very anxious, because I knew I would be older than most of my classmates. However, on my first day of class, I surprisingly managed to make some friends who are still with me to this day.”
Joanne Yen, who took a two-year break from studies and returned to obtain her BA (Hons) in Business Management, said, “I am really happy that my hard work has really paid off.”

Recalling her journey, she said, “Actually I wasn’t a very hardworking student. I took a hiatus for two years, which reshaped my attitude, and then I worked really hard for everything by putting 100 per cent effort into my studies.”
Her approach to success is very simple: “Try to pay attention in class and revise before the exams. You don’t need to study 24 hours a day. Just pay attention in class.”
On her choice of LCB, she said, “I like what they have to offer, they have good facilities and lecturers, as well as good support system.”
Muhammad Syauzi bin Haji Suhaidi, who also graduated with a BA (Hons) in Business Management, admitted, “My journey was not an easy one. While in my first year, I actually failed my second semester. It was an eye-opening experience, and I felt that I had let down my parents, but my mother provided positive encouragement. From that point, I started to study harder and stay focussed.”
He also revealed, “My initial plan was to look for a job but I feel that it may be tough. I hope to start my own business.”
Wan Nor Amirah binti Haji Wan Mohd Asri, who graduated with a BA (Hons) in Computer Science, said, “It was tough in the first year, because I didn’t have many friends. Fortunately in my second year, I had more friends thanks to team projects.”
She has words of advice for future graduates, “Try to finish all the projects and assignments on time.” Wan Nor Amirah is currently undergoing the final phase of the application process at the Officer Cadet School (OCS) under the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF).