| Izah Azahari |
THE Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) commemorated the new Islamic year 1440 Hijrah in a ceremony at the Law and Courts Building, Jalan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha yesterday.
The guest of honour was Attorney General Dato Paduka Haji Hairol Arni bin Haji Abdul Majid.
Also present were Solicitor General Zuraini binti Haji Sharbawi, senior officers, officers and staff at the Attorney General’s Chambers.
The event began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by the recitation of verses from Al-Quran by Hajah ‘Adzimah Mukarramah binti Haji Salleh with insights read by Hajah Noorba’eyah binti Haji Yahya.
The event proceeded with a welcoming remark by Deputy Senior Counsel Riana Dewi binti Haji Aji, who is also the Co-Chair of the committee. She highlighted that it is undeniable that having knowledge and the desire to pursue knowledge is an important feature for the officers and staff of the AGC, as knowledge is key to success in achieving its vision and mission, as well as to carry out all the tasks and responsibilities entrusted in an orderly and effective manner.

She said that knowledge is also a key ingredient in handling high quality legal services to ensure the safety, stability, prosperity and well-being of Brunei Darussalam as desired for the Brunei Vision 2035, as the collected knowledge is for the success of a balanced life between the duniawi and ukhrawi, where some of the knowledge in Islam is the knowledge of Fardhu Ain that is required for every Muslim such as the knowledge of prayer and the knowledge of reciting Al-Quran.
The deputy senior counsel added that the AGC has started mass Al-Quran reading sessions every morning since September 3.
The event then proceeded with a brief speech by the guest of honour who congratulated the Working Committee of the 11th China-ASEAN Prosecutor-General Conference on the success of the event.
As one of the government’s important machineries in law enforcement and enacting laws in addressing social crimes, the AGC must always be aware of the changes brought by globalisation and modernisation. The guest of honour also reminded officers and staff of the AGC to work diligently for ensuring quality delivery of their services.
The highlight of the event was a special talk titled Ilmu dan Amal Nadi Wawasan Negara delivered by Islamic Development Officer from the Islamic Da’wah Centre Ustaz Muskrisman Safari bin Haji Mustapha.
The ceremony then proceeded with the recitation of the Dikir Marhaban to welcome officers of the AGC who recently returned from the Haj pilgrimage and concluded with the recitation of Doa Selamat.