| Ishan Ibrahim |
A DELEGATION from Suara Belia Brunei recently visited the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) to present feedback on the ministry’s Youths For Brunei programme carried out in colleges and education institutions in the country during the past several months.
Present during the meeting were Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports Datin Paduka Dr Hajah Norlila binti Dato Paduka Haji Abdul Jalil and heads of departments of the MCYS.
As part of the programme, the ministry conducted listening sessions with youth throughout the country to better understand the issues and concerns they face as well as to improve the link between them and the government.
The Suara Belia Brunei group handed over their An Introduction book to Datin Paduka Dr Hajah Norlila to conclude the meeting. The book was authored by Suara Belia Brunei’s founding members Md Umair Akmal, Nuur Nadhirah Hanizam and Nazihah Hipni.
Suara Belia Brunei is a community-led organisation to empower the generation of tomorrow.
The organisation aims to be a platform where people across all age groups can volunteer for a societal cause and towards realising the nation’s Vision 2035 goals while being guided by the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) principles.
Suara Belia Brunei welcomes members of the public to join their cause. For more information, the organisation can be reached via suarabeliabrunei@gmail.com or on Instagram at SuaraBeliaBrunei.