| Rokiah Mahmud |
THE Bukit Udal Religious School in Tutong District held a Khatam Al-Quran ceremony for its Primary 6 students with the objective to nurture and encourage students to recite Al-Quran until they successfully complete the recitation of 30 Juzuks of Al-Quran before completing their religious school education.
Present as the guest of honour was Asmah binti Haji Baha, the spouse of Legislative Council member and Penghulu of Mukim Tanjong Maya Yang Berhormat Haji Abdul Wahab bin Apong.
Ten students comprising three male and seven female students were feted during the ceremony.
They also received certificates from the guest of honour.
The ceremony commenced with the mass recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by Surah-Surah Lazim by the Khatam participants.
This was followed by the recitation of Takhtim and Doa Khatam, Dikir Marhaban and sprinkling of scented flowers.