| Izah Azahari |
THE first Civic Village Programme for 2019, the annual programme by the Information Department is implemented using an Information Department work strategy called ‘Face-to-Face Communication’ which is in line with the vision of the department as a leading government agency in delivering and disseminating official government information, Acting Deputy Director of Information Hajah Noorashidah binti Haji Aliomar said.
THE Information Department under the Prime Minister’s Office through its Nationhood Unit, Nationhood and Community Division at the Auditorium Hall of the Information Department Extension Building yesterday.
The programme will continue until February 1.
Parents, participants and committee members were also present.
The 35 participants comprised 14 male and 21 female graduates from higher education institutions from abroad and within the country.
The programme began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Doa Selamat, national anthem Allah Peliharakan Sultan and patriotic song Bendera Negara.
Head of the Nationhood Unit, Nationhood and Community Division Hajah Hamsah binti Datu Kerna Haji Jaya delivered a Civic Village Programme briefing.
The graduates are quartered at the Sungai Kebun Sports Complex Hall. Participants will undergo six days of team-building, sports and charity activities, in addition to visiting government departments and private enterprises. The programme has been organised since 1976 as a platform for employment opportunities, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship and small business development.
The ice-breaking and team building sessions at the Sungai Kebun Sports Complex will be organised by the Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam (OBBD).