| Azlan Othman |
A CEREMONY to hand over the Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah’s (ITQSHHB) Ruqyah book for protection against magic, the evil eye, envy, and diseases and calamities to patients of government hospitals nationwide was held yesterday at Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital.
The book presentation was also held to celebrate the silver jubilee of the institute’s establishment.
The Ruqyah book is meant to aid the hospital patients in performing self-treatment by way of Islamic spiritual enrichment through Al-Quran, in addition to the modern treatments provided by doctors.
It allows patients to understand and practise the Ruqyah supplications in seeking help from Allah the Almighty for protection against magic, the evil eye, envy, diseases and calamities.
The book consists of verses from Al-Quran according to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as well as supplications to break or nullify spells that violate the teachings of Islam. It is also seen as helpful in reducing the physical, mental and spiritual burden faced by patients.
Officers from the Ministry of Health, as well as lecturers, teachers, staff and students from the ITQSHHB were also present at the ceremony.
The event began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by Ustaz Awangku Khairul Ikhwan bin Pengiran Haji Alit followed by welcoming remarks from Acting Principal of ITQSHHB Pengiran Haji Amiruddin bin Pengiran Haji Damit.
During the ceremony, a recitation of the Ruqyah supplications led by the author Ustaz Dr Haji Syeikh Mutiaa Al-Kabbani Mahmoud was held.
Pengiran Haji Amiruddin then handed over the book to representatives of the government hospitals.
The ceremony was brought to a close with a selawat led by Ustaz Dr Haji Syeikh Mutiaa Al-Kabbani Mahmoud and a closing Doa.
The Ruqyah book is available at the ITQSHHB.