| Azlan Othman |
RIMBA Secondary School Principal Haji Malai Shah Eran bin Syed Haji Yussof Al-Idrus spelt out measures to boost students’ attainment in education.
“The main function of the school is to instil learning, acquire knowledge and produce educated generation as our future leaders,” he said recently during a prize presentation for students who excelled in their studies and examinations last year.
“With the changes in education environment in the 21st Century which is turning into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the school certainly wants to improve in line with the current needs.
“It means that the process of learning is not only focussed on access to knowledge but driven towards facing different challenges in tandem with the current generation.
“In this context, among the programmes implemented are ‘blocking system’ for core subjects, ‘team teaching’ for optional subjects, ‘pullout system’ for students who are weak in literacy and numeracy, and the Literacy and Numeracy Enhancement Programme in a holistic manner.”

The principal added, “The school authorities also implement several programmes for students taking BCGCE ‘O’ Level in October this year such as the Extended Curriculum, Foster Guardians, Priority Foster Guardians, and Pre-and Post-Review to achieve the target for every student (for example, individual student target setting).
“To improve the students’ efficiency in reading, Rimba Secondary School is holding several programmes like Readtheory, I Love Reading, Running Records, Silent Reading, and the 3M (reading, writing and understanding).”
A total of 136 top achievers and progressive students of the school from last year were honoured at the event.
The ‘Progressive Award’ was given to students who showed progress in the Standardised School Assessment 1 (SSA1) from the Standardised School Assessment 2 (SSA2).
‘Kindness Award’ was presented for pre-vocational students (SINAR) and students with 100 per cent school attendance last year as well as awards for best teachers who attained 60 per cent in the end-of-the-year school examination performances.
Rimba Secondary School student Nadzimah binti Haji Ahmad, who is in Year 11M this year, received awards for first place in the General Programme and for being the top student in Malay Literature (Sastera), Combined Science, Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) and Commerce.
She was also rated as a progressive student who achieved 100 per cent school attendance.