Syazwani Hj Rosli
A total of 27,744 pre to Primary 5 religious school students and 779 Year 5 students from five Arabic schools across the country returned to schools yesterday in the second phase of school re-opening, after months of delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Religious and Arabic schools are also implementing the rotational classes system for students where they will rotate between studying at home and in school to minimise classroom crowding.
As schools are creating the ‘new normal’ learning environment, the Bulletin visited the Bandar Seri Begawan Arabic Preparatory School (SPABSB) in Batu Satu yesterday, and saw the smooth sailing of the drop-off rules as returning Year 5 students lined up for temperature checks, practised social distancing and other safety measures.
The school is implementing the ‘Model 3’ for the school where Year 6 and Year 5 students will attend classes for three days from Monday to Wednesday, while two school days are to be conducted from home.
The implementation of teaching and learning in the second phase for all students is maintained using the modalities outlined by the Islamic Studies Department of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which combine face-to-face and online learning.
However, students are strongly advised to comply with social distancing measures and maintain personal hygiene. Schools must also ensure the well-being of students and school staff. Teachers and school staff are instructed to monitor the students’ condition and cleanliness of classrooms, toilets and other school areas at all times.