Rokiah Mahmud
A total of 255 job posts from over 20 companies in various sectors, ranging from hospitality to construction and engineering, were featured at the Institute of Brunei Technical Education (IBTE) Market Day at Wafa Hotel yesterday, for IBTE graduates to meet potential employers and to gather information on opportunities available.
Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at the Ministry of Education (MoE) Dr Haji Azman bin Ahmad officiated the ceremony as the guest of honour.
Acting IBTE CEO and Director of Technical Education Dr Haji Mohd Zamri bin Haji Sabli Director said IBTE provides quality technical education and vocational training that can contribute the socio-economic development of the country, in line with Brunei Vision 2035.
The IBTE has set key performance indicators (KPI) including employability rate and employer’s satisfaction rate to ensure it will be relevant and responsive to the needs of the job market.
“IBTE has been and will continue collaborating with other stakeholders, such as the Manpower Planning and Employment Council (MPEC), Manpower Industry Steering Committee (MISC), and JobCentre Brunei (JCB), as well as the government ministries, departments, authorities and industries, he said.
Dr Haji Mohd Zamri added, “IBTE also carries out a tracer study annually. The employability rate in 2020 indicated 67.7 per cent of the graduates were employed within six months, an increase of 1.2 per cent from 2019.
“To achieve 75 per cent of the employability rate within six months of graduation, IBTE will always ensure that the programmes offered are relevant and every IBTE student competent, skilful and have high self-esteem.
“With the IBTE Market Day, we hope to reduce unemployment rate among the youth, especially IBTE’s graduates.”