Azlan Othman
A drawing competition for youth of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), organised by the Mission of the European Union to ASEAN, is now underway.
According to the Mission, “one can express his/her creative ideas through a colourful drawing based on the theme ‘Our Planet, Our Future’, with the objective of inspiring others to help safeguard the planet and combat climate change”.
The drawing must be in A4 size landscape and submitted in digital format (scanned version is allowed) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Submission is free and each contestant is allowed to submit a maximum of three artworks that are original, unpublished and unproduced. “Any piece posted online, anywhere other than a personal blog, is considered published and will not be eligible,” said the Mission.
The competition is open to youth between 16 and 24 and are citizens of one of the 10 ASEAN member states: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
To enter the contest, submit the artwork to with “Submission for Drawing Competition” as the subject of email, along with a copy of valid identification, a completed entry form and a signed release & Waiver form. Only the first 500 artworks will be accepted.
The submission deadline is August 5. Information on the competition can be obtained from