Syazwani Hj Rosli
The State Mufti’s Office introduced two new books, COVID-19: Apa Kata Mufti (Siri 2 & 3) and COVID-19: Bimbingan Syara’ dan Isu-isu Ibadat during a press conference at the State Mufti’s Office in Jalan Pengiran Babu Raja yesterday.
Head of Publication and Information Division Haji Mohidin bin Haji Mustapha said the COVID-19: Apa Kata Mufti (Siri 2 & 3) is the collection from State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Dr Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned’s special lecture on COVID-19, broadcast over Radio Television Brunei (RTB) on April 17 and May 1. The 63-page book features several Doa, Zikir and Quranic verses including Istighfar, Doa Nabi Allah Yunus ‘alaihissalam, the benefits of Ayat Kursi, benefits of Surah Yaasiin and short readings.
Meanwhile, the 98-page COVID-19: Bimbingan Syara’ dan Isu-Isu Ibadat shares guidelines that must be followed in facing the epidemic according to the Islamic law.
The second part of the book highlights several legal issues regarding Ibadah that brings concern during the spread of the pandemic such as hukum regarding Friday prayers, congregational prayers, obeying ulil-amri, the hukum of wearing face mask and the use of hand sanitisers while performing prayers.
The book also outlines nine steps as precautions and reminder in facing COVID-19 particularly in implementing and complying with the recommendations and standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the authorities in preventing infection and spread of the virus; as well as resolutions to several questions and doubts relating to prayers.
The State Mufti’s Office is also offering a special package for the books from August 17-31.
The two latest books can be purchased at the State Mufti’s Office in Jalan Pengiran Babu Raja during office hours.