Teraja mini tamu now a weekly affair
Daniel Lim The initial one-off mini tamu at Teraja Longhouse has now turned into a weekly affair, thanks to the overwhelmingly positive response from visitors who made a pit-stop at the market en route...
View ArticleCrown Prince CIPTA Award returns with focus on smart technologies
The Crown Prince Creative, Innovative Product and Technological Advancement (CIPTA) Award returns with a focus on technological innovations using digital technologies such as data analytics, artificial...
View ArticleUnique dining, tour in the sky experience
James Kon The first of its kind Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) Dine & Fly flight took off yesterday morning with 99 passengers on board to experience a rare and memorable opportunity to view iconic...
View ArticleRare beetle species spotted in Kota Batu
Syazwani Hj Rosli A rare species of beetle recently made a brief visit to a residence in Kota Batu. Coloured a brilliant metallic green with black spots, the beetle is commonly known as the Jewel Bug...
View ArticleScout association holds public relations, communications workshop
Aziz Idris The Brunei Darussalam Scout Association (PPNBD) through the Strategic, Monitoring and Implementation Committee (PPNBD 2014-2024) organised a two-day workshop on public relations and...
View ArticleIban woman embraces Islam
Daniel Lim An Iban woman recently embraced Islam during a ceremony held at the hall of Islamic Da’wah Centre in Belait District. Twenty-one-year-old Syazlyn Vanessa anak Langan’s conversion ceremony...
View ArticlePatrolling, roadblocks to keep crime at bay
Daniel Lim The Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) held crime prevention on August 15 at various locations across the country as part of its continuous efforts in crime prevention. Among the efforts...
View ArticleMushaf Brunei Darussalam for KUPU SB students
Izah Azahari First year students of Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) received the Mushaf Brunei Darussalam and its translations, which was part of the Public Service...
View ArticleUNISSA’s Book Corner launched for added value learning
Lyna Mohamad Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali’s (UNISSA) Book Corner was launched at Ma’had Islam Brunei in Tutong recently, for UNISSA to share its publication with Arabic secondary schools and...
View ArticleRoots of ‘bergotong royong’ culture run deep in Sultanate
Lyna Mohamad Acts of kindness come aplenty in the Sultanate, keeping alive the bergotong royong culture among the people of Brunei. Twelve Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) students visited the...
View ArticleState Mufti’s Office publishes two new books
Syazwani Hj Rosli The State Mufti’s Office introduced two new books, COVID-19: Apa Kata Mufti (Siri 2 & 3) and COVID-19: Bimbingan Syara’ dan Isu-isu Ibadat during a press conference at the State...
View ArticleMinisters attend national Ma’al Hijrah celebration rehearsal
Wani Roslan The national celebration for the Islamic New Year 1442 Hijrah will start at 5pm tomorrow at mosques, suraus and religious halls nationwide with Jame’ ‘Asr Hassanil Bolkiah in Kampong...
View ArticleDevelopment programme for leadership skills
Wani Roslan The opening ceremony of the 28th Executive Development Programme for Senior Government Officers (EDPSGO) and 29th Executive Development Programme for Middle Management Officers (EDPMMO) was...
View ArticleMotivational programme fosters closer ties
Daniel Lim Deputy Chairman of the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) Cluster Six for 2018-2020 Session Iskandar bin Haji Alias said the motivational programme titled Program Sembang Inspirasi Ibu Bapa...
View ArticleHiking gains popularity amid COVID-19
Lyna Mohamad Hiking has been gaining more currency among the local community, particularly with the discovery of new trails in Brunei’s hilly jungles, which offer countless challenging routes. An...
View ArticleReligious ceremony marks Sultan’s birthday
Syazwani Hj Rosli In conjunction with the 74th birthday celebration of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi...
View ArticleOver 1,000kgs of waste collected at beach cleanup
A total of 107 bags of trash were collected during a beach cleanup initiative at the Kuala Belait Beach recently. The two-hour activity covered about two kilometres of the beach and collected over...
View ArticleSigh of relief as buffet services are back
Rokiah Mahmud & Syazwani Hj Rosli Following the easing of some restrictions on social distancing announced during a recent press conference, buffet services are now allowed to resume. However, only...
View Article23 UBD students awarded scholarships
Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd awarded scholarships to 23 Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) students during a Scholarship Signing Ceremony at The Empire Brunei yesterday. Acting Minister of Energy Dato...
View ArticleBrunei Vision 2035 books launched for students
James Kon The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) held an official launch of two Wawasan Brunei 2035 books for primary and secondary students, as well as four Wawasan Brunei 2035 promotional videos...
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